Thank you.

Vampires at Year’s End
Apparently vampires are cool again? Or maybe they never stopped being cool?
After witnessing the passage of centuries, trying to keep track of fleeting fashions is like counting the beats of a hummingbird’s wings. The last time stewardship of The Magic Shop was in our family the tyrant of the day was Napoleon. It gives us faith that while Phlebas and Ozymandias will pass, wonder and imagination will endure.
In all seriousness, 2024 was an incredible year for us.
Thank you to the folks who gazed in wonder and left empty handed, and to those who crawled out beneath the weight of a half-dozen bulging black bags.
Thank you to our associates for navigating the schedules and moodiness of the undead.
Thank you to those who whispered of our secrets to friends and family, and to those who shouted our praises to the digital heavens.
Thank you to the organizers of the @cryptidblockparty and @blinkcincinnati, and to @covingtonkygov and our many tolerant neighbors.
Thank you to the artisans and writers who produce the wonderful things we sell, and to the tireless people who haul the crates of our wares.
Our profound thanks to each and every one of you who visited this year, to everyone who left a noseprint on our windows when we were closed, and to everyone who dreamt of one day making the trip.
It is our ghoulish visages that people see, but the shop exists because of all of you.
Thank you.
We are as nervous as everyone else about 2025, both as individuals and as a business. We sincerely hope that the worst we have to worry about are disrupted supply chains.
We will do our best to be an eye within the storm, and look forward to meeting new friends and fellow travelers.
Yours in deepest gratitude,
Augur & Coil